Donate Your Milk to Our Baby

Donate Your Milk to Our Baby

Any amount of breast milk is an amazing gift to our baby!
Thanks to mothers donating breast milk, our little infant is doing amazing! Any amount of Breast milk is greatly appreciated!!!

Fresh is always what is recommended and is what we would love to provide.  ( But it's hard to find.)
Remember ladies, any breast milk is better than no breast milk!
Every ounce counts as life to our Child!

Drop Centers:

Family and Friend have come together to help us find milk for baby Krieg. Here is a list of our amazing friends and family that have offered to be drop centers/transport/pick up/ and ship breastmilk to help our baby! Please take a look and see if anyone is in your area to help baby Krieg!


Vancouver, WA - Shona Krieg (( mom to baby Krieg ))
Willing to drive as north as North Olympia and
as south as Salem to pick up milk for our baby!
Phone: 360-901-7095

Yelm/Tumwater, WA - Wendy Dionne (( Baby Kriegs Grandma ))
Wendy is lives in Yelm works in tumwater
and would be willing to pick up from olympia/lacy are as well!
Phone: 360-951-8433

Olympia/Lacy, WA - Wendy Dionne (( Baby Kriegs Grandma))
Wendy lives in Yelm, but is willing to pick up milk in Olympia
and Lacy to help her grandbaby
Phone: 360-951-8433


Newport, Oregon - Courtney Nyman
She lives in Newport Oregon would be willing to do a 20 minutes around area.
She'll be coming up around the 23rd of March also and is willing
To transport any milk to baby Krieg and Family.
Phone: 541-272-2533


Cason City / Reno, NV - Becky D.
One of our amazing Donor mom!
They live in Cason City but travel to Reno once a week so I can pick up in Reno.
Becky is willing to collect milk and ship it off with her milk so we can safly
send a shippment of milk for baby Krieg.  
Phone: (775)230-2285

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